The Premier Versatile Family Gundog
Dedicated to breeding well-rounded, family raised hunting dogs. American Hunting Doodles are exceptional hunters, disciplined waterfowl retrievers, and determined upland flushers. From quail to geese, and every small game in between, your American Hunting Doodle will be your family’s best hunting partner and most dependable companion.
“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives, the cumulative experience of many masters of craftsmanship. Quality also marks the search for an ideal, after necessity has been satisfied and mere usefulness achieved.”
— William A. Foster
About AHD
American Hunting Doodles are bred to be the best modern outdoors family hunting dog. Our primary focus is providing healthy, well-mannered dogs that easily take to training.
Through our network of professional breeders we ensure that all of our breeding dogs have the attention and lifestyle they deserve as a member of a family, inside the home.
And while we focus on raising Hunting Doodles, many of our puppies go on to be service and therapy dogs as well.
AHD Highlight Series: “Odin”
We caught up with Doak and “Odin,” a Started Hunting Doodle from Kali x Bernie 2017 litter of Double Doodles, and saw a day in their lives in Texas. What a pleasure it was to experience the bond Odin and his family share.
"Cocidius" with Dan in Crest Hill, IL
From Zelie x Wrigley 2023 American Retriever Litter
"He was phenominal! Winged one that flew a hundred yards out. He caught up and retrieved it all the way back.
Had another that sailed about 200 plus yards away. I had him mark and sent him on line. Hundred yards out, he turned and sat looking at me. I sent him back again, went on beeline right at the goose, tackled it, and brought it back. Not afraid of the wings flapping at all. He just waited for an opportunity when flapping stopped for a sec, and grabbed 'em quick. So proud of him!"
Coci retrieved over 100 ducks and geese by the time he was 9 months old!
"Grace" with Chase & Kayla in New Haven, CT
From Bonba x Bernie 2021 Double Doodle Litter
"Grace is doing great. We live out in CT and this is going to be her second hunting season. She retrieves ducks, geese, and pheasants. She is steady to shot, quiet, well behaved, and has a drive to please. My wife and I also enjoy multi-day backpacking trips. Grace is a perfect hiking partner and we are on our way to summiting the 48 4k-footers in New Hampshire."
"Ellie" with Pat in Los Banos, CA
From Juno x Stark 2020 Double Doodle Litter
"Getting a puppy from American Hunting Doodles has been a wonderful addition to our family. Ellie, on the left and her Aunt Stella, on the right are about 2 years apart but like twins. Great family dogs, great hunters and just fun to have around our home. We can’t recommend this breed enough!! Thanks to American Hunting Doodles for making this possible."