National Network of Breeders

American Hunting Doodles is made up of a growing network of professional breeders dedicated to providing healthy, well-mannered dogs for hunting, service, and family companionship. 

Collectively, we are working to standardize a new breed of dog, the American Retriever, for today’s hunting and outdoor family. A dog that can perform at the highest level in the field and the home.

All our breeders follow comprehensive protocols which ensures the well-being of all our dogs, and results in greater consistency across our lines.

Each litter experiences several early conditioning systems, including: ENS (Early Neurological Stimulation), early Operant Conditioning to nurture prey drive and hunting instincts, and early potty training with the Misty Method

All our breeding dogs are OFA and/or PennHIP certified, Embark DNA tested, and come from proven hunting lines.


In addtion to our headquarters in Tygh Valley, OR, our affilate breeders also raise litters at these locations:


Our Breeding Dogs